This week (3rd – 9th July 2023) is ASB Awareness Week, with the theme ‘Know Your Rights’ and here at ASB Help we will be marking the week with lots of activities- including webinars, visits to schools and top tips!

Last year, there were 1.8 million reported incidents of anti-social behaviour (ASB) in England and Wales, with 40% of adults experiencing it in their local area – increasing from 27% in the last five years, (Crime Survery for England and Wales, 2022).   

With this level of ASB, it has never been more important for victims to #KnowTheirRights, which is the theme for the week. Victims of ASB can get all the information they need about how to report anti-social behaviour and their rights throughout our website.

Keep your eye on our Twitter (@ASBHelp), LinkedIn and Facebook (ASB Help) to find out what we are doing and to get more information and top tips on your rights. We will also be asking questions each day to increase people’s knowledge and awareness.

“It’s never been more important for victims of anti-social behaviour to be recognised and supported. This ASB Awareness Week, we will be working hard to shout about victim’s rights, and raise awareness of where they can turn to for help and support”- ASB Help Team.

If you do feel that you need further advice or clarification on your rights after reading through our website and social media channels, please take a look at how to contact us and other support organisations here.