Dealing with ASB during COVID-19 - Chartered Institute of Housing

The Chartered Institute of Housing have pieced together a helpful information sheet on Anti-Social Behaviour during COVID-19.

You can read the information sheet here:

Chartered Institute of Housing Information Sheet

Template documents for COVID-19 related ASB

Great to see Surrey ASB Unit adapting so quickly to manage Covid-19 related ASB.

Check out these brilliant template documents below:

Surrey Police Template

COVID 19 ASB Advice

COVID 19 Mediation Service

Podcast with Janine Green and Rebecca Brown on ASB during COVID-19

The podcast, hosted by Janine Green, shares some of Rebecca Brown's (CEO of ASB Help) advice and practical tips around how best to deliver an ASB service in these challenging times and the tools that remain available to us to resolve issues and support victims.

Listen to the podcast here: 

Read our latest blog on interventions available to practitioners during COVID-19 here:

Interventions available to practitioners dealing with ASB during COVID-19

Janine Green's website:


Interventions available to practitioners dealing with ASB during COVID-19

ASB Help has put together a list of interventions we believe practitioners can use and, in some cases, adapt to ensure cases continue to be managed and victims protected.

Please read the full post here:

ASB Practitioner Interventions available to use during COVID-19

Stop Loan Sharks

We know that COVID-19 will bring money problems to many. If you have found yourself at the hands of a loan shark, or you know of someone who is a victim of one, there is something you can do.


See the below PDF for more information on loan sharks and what you can do to stop them.


Stop Loan Sharks




ASB Help consulted on an urgent COVID-19 related case of anti-social behaviour which was heard in a County Court yesterday. Barrister Iain Wightwick, of Unity Street Chambers, was engaged by the landlord in the first case that we know of to obtain a Part 1 Interim Injunction Order against two residents of a sheltered housing scheme. The Order prevents them from putting vulnerable people at risk of serious harm and potentially death because of their refusal to adhere to the government’s social distancing requirements.

Please see Iain’s article for more information here:

Injunction against two over 60-year-olds

ASB Help urges all practitioners to embrace the versatility of the tools and powers contained in the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. These powers provide you with urgent recourse for cases of COVID-19 related ASB. Remember the statutory test is for a Part 1 Injunction is A SIGNIFICANT RISK OF HARM BE THAT PHYSICAL OR MENTAL.

The nature of anti-social behaviour does not change because its power to cause distress to victims remains constant. But the character of anti-social behaviour does change, and this includes COVID-19.

We urge all practitioners to adapt and respond using the powers available to them. Please circulate this case to your colleagues in Registered Housing Providers, Police Forces or Local Authorities so they know that it is possible to manage urgent COVID-19 cases of ASB and reduce the harm of it.

This case shows the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 works if we use it in the spirit it was enacted: TO PREVENT ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR, in whatever form it may take AND REDUCE THE HARM IT CAUSES TO VICTIMS.

Anti-Social Behaviour and COVID-19

Read our new blog post on COVID-19 and how it affects:

  • The levels of anti-social behaviour
  • How victims and perpetrators are dealt with
  • Practitioners - how they must adapt to the changes

Read the PDF here

Feeling frightened? See here

Feeling frustrated? See here 

Feeling furious? See here


A good example of practitioners using the ASB Case Review...

ASB Help are very proud of PS Wyn Jones of Northamptonshire Police for being the first police officer we know of to activate the ASB Case Review for a case of anti-social behaviour in his area. PS Jones recognised the benefits of the ASB Case Review and by invoking it himself, the case is being managed collaboratively by every partner agency in the area promptly and proactively. Be ahead of the curve and follow in the footsteps of PS Jones.

Join our ASB Pledge here

Learn more about the ASB Case Review here


Be part of our ASB Pledge!

Thank you Solihull Community Housing for hosting me this week to talk to you about the PLEDGE. Very encouraging that we have so many partners wanting to take the PLEDGE and work with ASB Help on promoting the voice of victim’s of anti-social behaviour. Particular thanks to Victim Support in Plymouth, Hyde Housing, Sheffield City Council, Leicestershire Police, Stoke City Council and Surrey Police….Be part of this campaign and get in touch with ASB Help today to find out more about how we can help you to deliver the best service to your residents.

You can find out more information on the Pledge here


Do the right thing Cherwell District Council

Another victim let down...

Very disappointed in Cherwell District Council.
It is bad enough we had to activate the ASB Case Review on behalf of two of their vulnerable residents but you haven’t even followed your own 7 day policy to inform them if the application meets the threshold! I have left multiple messages for you to contact me….and you haven’t. Do you realise these are your residents and they are living a nightmare every day?! Please follow the legislation and your own policies and procedures to bring this to an end now! Do the right thing Cherwell District Council and help your residents.

Read the report into Anti-Social Behaviour by the Victim's Commissioner here: