Victim Case Study: Surviving an Anti-social Behaviour Nightmare

Read our latest case study where Amanda and Richard share their story in relation surviving an anti-social behaviour nightmare:-




Derbyshire launch an ASB Hub

Derbyshire County Council and Derbyshire Police have today launched the Derbyshire ASB Hub to coincide with ASB Awareness Week (19th-25th July).

This online resource is accessed via a link – Derbyshire ASB Hub.

The ASB hub is now permanently available, and will be invaluable in providing information on how anti social behaviour is addressed, how to report it, and what support is available to you.

You can find information on the different partner agencies within Derbyshire who work together to tackle anti social behaviour within your communities, and useful links to their specific websites.

This is a fantastic tool for victims to access for advice and guidance as it is clear, accessible, and easy to navigate.

ASB Help is very proud of the work we have done with Safer Derbyshire, who are raising the bar in the Midlands in the way they approach and tackle anti social behaviour.

We are thrilled partners in Derbyshire have recently taken The ASB Help Pledge, and continue to put victims at the heart of what they do.

ASB Case Review Podcast Series

As part of ASB Awareness week, ASB Help are very excited to launch a podcast series in relation to the ASB Case Review.  This three part series is now available to listen to using the links below: -

Episode one: Rebecca Bryant (Chief Exec at Resolve) and Andy Prophet(ACC for Essex Police and NPCC lead for Anti-Social Behaviour)

Episode two: Victims' Commissioner Dame Vera Baird

Episode three: Chief Inspector Mark McSweeney and ASB Coordinator Jess Thomas, Dyfed Powys Police

ASB Case Review Podcast Trailer

ASB Help are due to launch a mini podcast series next week in relation to the community trigger as part of ASB Awareness Week.  In each episode, Rebecca Brown, our chief executive, talks to people at the sharp end of developing the blueprint for best practice in anti-social behaviour.  The trailer is now live and can be accessed using the following platforms using the following links:-

Apple Podcasts -

Spotify -

Acast -

Google podcast

ASB Help featured in Manifesto Club Paper published today 16/06/21

The Manifesto Club has published a paper today in relation to ASB

Our CEO, Rebecca Brown features at page 30 discussing ASB and Community Protection Notices (CPN) .



Local Government Association have launched a new series of case studies on tackling anti-social behaviour

Today (08/06/21) the Local Government Association have launched a new series of case studies on tackling anti-social behaviour. It highlights how Local Government have worked in partnership to deliver support for victims and tackle perpetrator’s behaviour.
ASB Help are delighted to have made a contribution to these case studies, and continuing to promote our ASB Pledge, which demonstrates a commitment to improving awareness of the ASB Case Review process and using the ASB Case Review to put victims first and deter perpetrators.
You can read more on the ASB Pledge here:
Read more on the ASB Case Review here:

Victims' Survey 2021

If you have been a victim of or reported a crime in the past three years, The Victims' Commissioner want to hear from you. The Victims’ Commissioner will use your valuable feedback to help ensure future victims receive the support and justice outcomes they need.

Results of the survey will feed into a report charting the victim experience of the criminal justice system and victims’ services in 2020.


More information on the survey and the link to the survey itself can be found here:


"Murdered by a mob" - the tragic story of Bijan Ebrahimi

Every ASB practitioner should watch this documentary urgently. ASB Help are gravely concerned to report that we are working with current vulnerable victims who are suffering similar racially aggravated anti-social behaviour to what Mr Ebrahimi did. These victims are being failed by the agencies who should be protecting them. We hope these agencies will consider the lessons this documentary offers, reflect on their conduct and take urgent steps to protect victims before another avoidable death occurs.

Read the multi-agency learning review following the murder of Bijan Ebrahimi here:

Multi-agency learning review following the murder of Bijan Ebrahimi

A Closer Look At The Updated Anti-Social-Behaviour Guidance


A closer look at the updated Anti-social Behaviour Guidance from our CEO, Rebecca Brown

Read it here: Guidance Article