Is anti-social behaviour impacting your life?

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A graph measuring noise levels

The practitioner’s struggle: Tackling noise nuisance

Introduction Noise nuisance is a particularly contentious issue in that the ways in which it…

Someone turning up a stereo system volume

Dealing with general living noise nuisance in 2025

Introduction In September 2021, Mark Pearce, 53, made the decision to end his life. Mark made more…

ASB Case Review

Government plans to improve the ASB Case Review process

Yesterday the government has announced plans to update the ASB Case Review process in response to…


2024 wrap up and what’s to come

What happened in 2024? 2024 was a big year for us here at ASB Help. Here is a run-down of what we…

Community & Commercial ASB

Criminal behaviour orders: A practitioner case study

My experience I retired from policing in 2021 having spent thirty years in a variety of roles and…

Government's plan for change

What the government’s ‘Plan for Change’ means for anti-social behaviour

Over the past few weeks it has been very encouraging to see an ongoing focus on anti-social…

Police officers walking along a high street

Respect Orders to tackle anti-social behaviour

ASB Help welcomes today’s announcement from the Home Office on the trial and introduction of…

Neighbourhood Disputes

The heroes in our communities

As part of ASB Awareness Week 2024, we want to highlight the important role that community heroes…

Supporting Victims

From harm to hope: A firsthand account of accessing an ASB Case Review

Introduction As a charity that champions the victim’s voice, we are privileged to have many…

Community Protection Notice

Partnership working: A closure order case study

As part of partnership day in ASB Awareness Week, we want to share a case study around a closure…

London, United Kingdom - June 25, 2024: Red sign ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR crossed out, urban setting.

ASB Awareness Week 2024

We want to highlight ASB Awareness Week this year by providing a wealth of information for…

ASB Case Review meeting

ASB Case Reviews: A Practitioner’s Guide

Introduction This guide is intended to assist Anti-social behaviour (ASB) practitioners by…

Victims Hub

The ASB Case Review process: The victim’s perspective

Introduction The ASB Case Review, formerly known as the Community Trigger, is an effective tool to…

Supporting Victims

What you need to know about the ASB Case Review

As part of our Your Voice Your Right campaign, we asked victims and practitioners two important…

ASB Case Review

Your Voice Your Right campaign launch

We are so pleased to announce the launch of our Your Voice, Your Right campaign which will run…

ASB Case Review meeting

Our new report shows how victims are being let down by ASB Case Reviews

It’s an exciting day for ASB Help as we launch our brand new report on ASB Case Review. We…

Who? What? When? How…?

We receive a range of enquiries from victims every day relating to anti-social behaviour. So, we…

ASB Awareness Week 2023- “KNOW YOUR RIGHTS”

This week (3rd - 9th July 2023) is ASB Awareness Week, with the theme 'Know Your Rights' and here…

Government’s Anti-Social Behaviour Action Plan – March 2023

Following the Government's launch of their 'Anti-Social Behaviour Action Plan' on 27th March 2023,…

ASB Victim Focus Group Recruitment- We want to hear from you!

We would like to add to our existing Victim Focus Group, to help us with our work by giving us your…

‘Nail That Communication’- Building Work Advice

With an increase of enquiries relating to domestic building work coming through to us recently, we…

ASB Help Featured on Panorama

ASB Help were featured on BBC Panorama on 24th January 2022 which sought to raise aware of the…

Derbyshire launch an ASB Hub

Derbyshire County Council and Derbyshire Police have today launched the Derbyshire ASB Hub to…

Community Trigger Podcast Series

As part of ASB Awareness week, ASB Help are very excited to launch a podcast series in relation to…

Community Trigger Podcast Trailer

ASB Help are due to launch a mini podcast series next week in relation to the community trigger as…

ASB Help featured in Manifesto Club Paper published today 16/06/21

The Manifesto Club has published a paper today in relation to ASB Our CEO, Rebecca Brown features…

Dyfed Powys Police successfully implemented their problem solving methodology OSARA to these cases which provided positive results

Dyfed Powys Police successfully implemented their problem solving methodology OSARA to these cases…

Local Government Association have launched a new series of case studies on tackling anti-social behaviour

Today (08/06/21) the Local Government Association have launched a new series of case studies on…

Victims’ Survey 2021

  If you have been a victim of or reported a crime in the past three years, The Victims'…

“Murdered by a mob” – the tragic story of Bijan Ebrahimi Every ASB practitioner should watch this…

Dyfed-Powys Police have taken the ASB Pledge

Dyfed-Powys Police have taken the ASB Pledge. We are delighted to work with Dyfed-Powys Police, who…

Updated Victim’s Code

New rights for victims of crime introduced On Thursday 1st April 2021, an updated Victims’ Code…

Victims Law Policy Paper

The victims' commissioner for England and Wales has called for a law to ensure people affected by…

ASB statutory guidance update

The government has published strengthened guidance for local agencies around anti-social behaviour…

Nightingale Taskforces

ASB Help has opened a national conversation about ASB management and suggested the concept of…

A good example of practitioners using the Community Trigger…

ASB Help are very proud of PS Wyn Jones of Northamptonshire Police for being the first police…

Be part of our ASB Pledge!

Thank you Solihull Community Housing for hosting me this week to talk to you about the PLEDGE. Very…

Will you take the pledge?

Ministry of Justice consultation

The Ministry of Justice has launched a consultation into the Code of Practice for Victims of Crime:…

North-East Threshold Confusion

Earlier this year I visited Middlesbrough and gave a training on the Community Trigger to a few…

What would the abolition of Section 21 mean for private landlords and victims of ASB?

Often, local communities hold landlords responsible for the anti-social behaviour that takes place…

Rising Voices in Parliament

What was an occasional question about anti-social behaviour is becoming something of a groundswell…

Anti-social behaviour ‘nightmare’ ignored

A new report, "Anti-Social Behaviour: Living a Nightmare" was released today (30/04/2019) by the…

Housing Associations and the Community Trigger

Much of our work on the Community Trigger has focused on councils and police, mainly because they…

Good Initiatives; On the beat and getting results:

Many people call for visible police patrols in their local community to try and improve community…

Stalking Protection Orders – a step in the right direction to tackle stalking within the United Kingdom:

Harassment can be defined as: “the act of systematic and/or continued, unwanted and annoying…


Agencies Ignore Victims of Anti-Social Behaviour at their Peril Legislation is ignored and victims…

How it Affects Me

Anti-social behaviour (ASB) can affect every area of your life especially when you live next-door…

Anti-Social Behaviour debate in the House of Commons (7/2/2019):

It is great to see Anti-social behaviour being debated in the House of Commons. It shows that MP’s…

Police Distance

My last blog was about the Switchboard Stress of trying to contact local councils to find out some…

How to Prepare for a Safe Halloween and Bonfire Night

For many people, Halloween and Bonfire night is an enjoyable, harmless few days to partake in…

The First National Voice for Victims of Anti-Social Behaviour

Press Release: The First National Voice for Victims of Anti-Social Behaviour It’s High Time Victims…