Dyfed-Powys Police have taken the ASB Pledge.

We are delighted to work with Dyfed-Powys Police, who have taken the ASB Pledge, which commits officers and staff to giving victims of antisocial behaviour a voice. It is essential we put victims first.

Dyfed-Powys Police was awarded the ASB Help Pledge after creating a clear process which enables the force and partners to play an active role in resolving entrenched antisocial behaviour.

The pledge helps organisations to create effective policies that make it easier for victims to invoke the Community Trigger (also known as an ASB case review).

We hope more agencies take the ASB Pledge, so we can ensure victims are put first and Anti-Social Behaviour is resolved as quickly as possible.

Read more about how you can take the ASB Pledge here: https://asbhelp.co.uk/practitioners-hub/the-asb-pledge/

Read more on the Community Trigger here: https://asbhelp.co.uk/practitioners-hub/asb-case-review-practitioners/

Read the full story here: https://www.southwalesguardian.co.uk/news/19203853.dyfed-powys-police-awarded-commitment-victims-antisocial-behaviour/?ref=twtrec